To deliver meaningful performance improvement to athletes of all ages
We accomplish this through the use of our patented, laser-based tracking technology. Our first iteration of this technology is called The GRID, which was designed for baseball and softball.
The GRID uses optical lasers to track the precise speed, trajectory and location of sports objects. Coupled with high-definition video capture of each “event”, the system is able to illustrate how changes in mechanics can improve a player’s performance.

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Patented Technology For Better Data
“One thing is for sure, the use of analytics has enabled organizations and their players to build a more efficient mousetrap and it will impact every aspect of high school, collegiate and professional sports.”
– Leigh Steinberg Changing the Game: The rise of Sports Analytics (Forbes Magazine; August 18, 2015)
The GRID Hitting system uses optical lasers to track the trajectory, speed and location of a ball hit through it. The data captured by the lasers is instantly translated into a 3-dimensional graphic representation of the hit.
The GRID Pitching system uses 3 banks of lasers to monitor the flight of the pitch and provide precise trajectory, speed and location. A fixed, high-definition camera is used to record the pitcher’s motion, enabling unprecedented diagnostic assessment of the effect of pitching mechanics on the flight of the baseball.
The GRID Catching module, used with either The GRID for Pitching or Hitting, tracks the movement of the ball using optical lasers and captures the mechanics of the catcher using high-speed video. Athelytix will provide catchers and coaches with more accurate and complete data sets than currently available on any scale.
These measurements will include:
Pop Time, including segmented transfer time and location of incoming pitch
Multi-view assessment of receiving and framing
Complete battery analysis to enhance pitch sequencing.

Join the Movement
If you are interested in learning more about our revolutionary system please fill out the form.